






       玩手机用英文说是play with the smarthphone。



       From what I have seen, few do homework; instead many are on their phones and talking, making it impossible for those who actually want to do work to complete any.?


       Or missed your train stop because you didn't hear the announcer when you were checking your phone


       When parents are too busy to spend time with their kids, they give them a smartphone or a tablet. All kinds of online games will entertain their kids and be their good friend.?


       An increasing number of young people are developing a condition, unique to modern society, that is dubbed 'Gameboy Back'. The modern phenomenon, which causes curvature of the spine over games consoles and smartphones for hours on end.?


       The prize will be valuable for whoever cracks the code first: Android users spend 37 minutes a day playing mobile games on average, says Flurry.?

“沉迷玩手机” 英语

       “对...上瘾”可以用这个表达:Be addicted to.....;过度玩手机,可以用:Overuse phone…;“对...着迷”可以用:Be obsessed with…。


       1、Are you addicted to your cellphone?


       2、Children should avoid overusing phones.


       3、We should not be obsessed with smartphone all day.







       玩手机英语是spend time on the phone。

       想要正确表达“玩手机”,我们一定要去想想在英语中,当我们想要表达花费时间做某事时,用到的是“spend”。我们可以说“spend time on the phone”,这就可以表达我们要说的意思了。


       Teachers advise teenagers not to spend too much time on the phone.






       (BrE)I’ll phone you.

       (BrE)I’ll ring you.

       (AmE)I’ll call you.

       问题一:游戏用英语怎么写 game

        问题二:“游戏”英语单词是什么? 30分 game,Play,Pastime,Playgame.

        问题三:打游戏的英文是什么? play games

        问题四:游戏开始 用英文怎么写? Game start


        问题五:有关英语的游戏 have a summer holiday放暑假(holiday也可用vacation替换,只美式英语与英式英语的习惯用法不同)stay at home 呆在家too much free time 太闲了want to find a game for learning study 想找一款能帮助学英语的游戏except Wulong college(除乌龙学院)for free it's ok.(或just for free)不要钱的就行

        问题六:游戏下载英语是什么 game download

        问题七:游戏设置的英语单词是什么? option 你选这个就能设置了

        问题八:游戏关卡 英语怎么说 round

        round 1

        round 2

        there are 26 rounds in all in the new game, with big bosses.

        问题九:玩很多游戏用英文怎么说 play many games

        问题十:网络游戏的英文怎么说 网络游戏: 网络游戏英文为Online Game,储称网游。缩写为MMOGAME,又称 “在线游戏”。必须依托于互联网进行、可以多人同时参与的游戏,通过人与人之间的互动达到交流、**和休闲的目的
